Pendidikan dasar PPA JAMADAGNI

I spent my holiday on the mountain for 8 days with members of jamadagni to conduct education and inauguration. We do from December 26 to January 2.The feelings we experienced while doing education were very frightening and tense  because the more days we are trained the more difficult, the more consequences, the more obstacles.

On the first day we had an opening ceremony for education and we said goodbye to each of our parents, and we departed by car to our destination at Mount Panaruban, Subang. When we arrived at our destination we did a long march for 5 hours to climb the top of the mountain, while doing that we were required to sing the song jamadagni to the destination must not stop.After it was getting dark we took a break in the forest by making bivouac, our resting place was made of raincoats and raffia ropes.

The next day we were woken up early in the morning with the sound of a trumpet and we had to hurry to get up and the line brought clothes to do the next activity, we were given 4 minutes to change our clothes and we were not given time to shower. After that we had breakfast with a cooking group, what we ate was potatoes, carrots, sardines, rice, milo milk and we were only given 1 hour to do everything, from cooking rice, eating and cleaning. All food must be consumed and nothing is left or wasted. While we were cooking, I accidentally spilled water and I was scolded and given the consequences of a 10 count pushup. After doing breakfast we check the items we carry in carier bags and none of them can be lost. Then we do open navigation learning, open navigation is a way to find out where we are and find out where we are going by shooting the compass to the extreme point of the crest, tall trees and hills. After doing that we make more bivouac and have dinner and sleep.

The third day as usual we were woken up with the sound of the trumpet and the committee screaming and then you ran to gather and change our clothes, after that we used to do the morning routine which is sports, breakfast and check equipment, after that we moved to do learning in closed navigation in the dense forest. Closed navigation is a learning about how we find a way to get out of the dense forest that is by means of 4 people to do it there are as a carriers,sweeper, compass man and string line.  Carriers is done to cut the vegetation that  our road. The sweeper clears a path from falling stones or stems. The compass man passes the destination through the compass and the last is the rope whose job is to provide direction to go and go home by tying the raffia rope to the right tree trunk. After learning is finished we do the routine as usual, namely bivouac (rest area), dinner, health check and sleep.

The fourth day as usual we were woken up with the sound of the trumpet and the committee's screams, the more days we were increasingly depressed by the committee's shouting and severe consequences. After waking up, we used to do our morning routine, which is exercise, hunger and check tools. On this fourth day we did SAR and PPGD learning. SAR is a livelihood, rescue and rescue effort in an emergency. PPGD is a medical relief effort during activities such as broken bones, unconsciousness and hypothermia. After the material is finished we normally make bivouacs and do dinner and sleep.


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