Anyone can be anything, that is the first thing that flashes inside

I thought the first time I thought about my future. When I was seven years old, many of my peers said they wanted to become a doctor, astronaut, artist, or even a teacher. I thought too I wanted to be a doctor, I think a doctoris one of the noble jobs in this life.

As time went on, I grew up and get interested in another dream, another future. decide to be a businessman. This thought was born when I was in second grade Junior High. I remember watching a tv show that talked about the dream job at that time, and one of the men who owned a restaurant in the interview. He said that he only had a small place to sell his food before he got to where he is today.

In the future, I also want to be an architect, this thought arose when I was on a long holiday after the exam, from there the seeds of my interest in becoming an architect emerged because on holiday. 

I spent my time playing the sims games and starting to learn to draw building design, sketch etc.

I hope that with the realization of my dreams I can change the world by building buildings that are environmentally friendly. Buildings that do not destroy nature, and that use renewable energy. I also want to make buildings that are useful to many people. I wanted to be an architect, because drawing imaginary plans and drawing the layouts of buildings was quite fun. An architect can also be creative without limits.

In today's competitive and globalized world it’s imposible to successful without fundamental knowledge dan ability to coopereate with others. I promised to myself to put my hard work fight for this dream. Life is dreaming and how we try to make that dream come true. I thought that if I could build my own business and be able to build useful buildings I would be able to provide a good future for the surrounding community and create jobs for others. And it will be a noble job too, right?

That's a little story of my dream. Hopefully what I aspire to can come true, amiiinnn ... I believe that if there is a strong will and will, it can all be achieved easily. How about all of you? do you have a dream surely all of us have our own dreams growing in our heads. Now, it depends on us whether we will become true fighters to make dreams come true, or we will become cowards who just follow the way of life mostly for fear of failure and falling when trying to reach dreams. Fail it is a natural thing in a relationship

life in any way. Failed is the learning that will bring

we are to success, the key is not ever gave up.


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